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第二期 Day7

  • 发布时间:2023-05-10 14:56:27


run about  跑来跑去

look for  寻找

of change 改变

because of 因为,由于

climb up to 爬上

pass by 经过

in the shade 在阴影下

look up 向上看

keep up with 紧跟,跟上

fly up into the air 飞到空中 

escape from 从...逃脱

run away to 逃跑到

pull out 退出

be led out 被领出

take care of 关心


ant 蚂蚁

caterpillar 毛毛虫

shell 外壳

judge 判断

appearance 外表,外貌

slave 奴隶

bleed 流血

wrap 包扎

recognize 认出

bravery 勇气

The Ant and the Caterpillar

An ant running about in the sunshine looking for food met a caterpillar that was almost at its time of change,and had already wrapped a hard shell about itself.

The ant only noticed that the caterpillar was even alive because of a tiny movement of its tail.

“Oh, what an unhappy animal you are!” said the ant.

“I can climb up to the top of the tallest tree, but you can hardly even move!”

The caterpillar heard all this, but did not reply.A few days later, when the ant passed by again, only the shell was left.As he wondered what had happened, he felt himself in the shade .

He looked up and felt himself fanned by the wings of a beautiful butterfly.

“Look at me now,” said the butterfly,

“the one you felt so sorry for!

Tell me now what a good runner and climber you are—if you can keep up with me!”

Then the butterfly flew up into the air, carried high and far on the summer winds,and was never seen by the ant again.

MORAL: Do not judge by appearances.

